Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy 2018!

Wishing all of you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful start to 2018!  Many things to be thankful for as this year ends.  Here's hoping you can concentrate on those and enjoy time with your family and friends.

  • 12/22/16  Routine Screening Mammogram
  • 01/18/17  Repeat Imaging and US of left breast; LUMP found.
  • 01/20/17  Core Needle Biopsy
  • 01/24/17  Biopsy results positive...Stage 0 DCIS, left breast
  • 01/25/17  Meeting with Breast Center Navigator and Genetic Testing
  • 01/30/17  Consultation with Surgical Oncologist, Dr. K
  • 02/08/17  Consultation with Plastic Surgeon
  • 02/21/17  Pre-op Visit with Dr. O's nurse
  • 02/27/17 Pre-op Labs and Testing
  • 03/05/17 Lymph Node Injection
  • 03/06/17 SURGERY DAY!
  • 03/10/17 Home!
  • 03/16/17 10 day Post-op Visit with Plastic Surgery nurse
  • 03/20/17  2 week Post-op Appointment with Surgical Oncologist, Dr. K
  • 04/07/17  1 month Post-Op w/Plastic Surgeon, Dr. O
  • 04/16/17 Returning to work!
  • 05/19/17  Appointment with Dr. O to schedule Phase 2 Surgery!
  • 07/13/17 Pre-op Visit with Dr. O's nurse; Pre-op Labs/EKG
  • 07/25/17 Phase 2 Surgery!!
  • 08/08/17  2 week Post-op Visit with Plastic Surgery Nurse
  • 09/25/17 6 month Follow-Up with Surgical Oncologist Office
  • 11/07/17 Micropigmentation (tattoo) Day!!
  • 12/08/17 FINAL Plastic Surgery nurse visit!  Breast Reconstruction graduation day!!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Breast Reconstruction Graduation

A week ago today, I "graduated" from my breast reconstruction journey!  It's still hard to believe that this year of surgeries and appointments and procedures and all of the stress, pain, discomfort, and sleepless nights from those is over.  I still have my surveillance visits with my oncologist's office for a total of 5 years, but as far as reconstructive surgery...I'm done!

The appointment was quick and went well. Basically, Crystal just looked at how my tattoos had healed and asked me if I had any remaining issues that needed to be addressed. She said that everything looked great and since I'm happy with my results...that's it!  We took my final photos and that was that.  As soon as she sends me the copies, I'll post my "before and afters" for you.

Honestly, this year does not seem real sometimes. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and in that quiet moment, I think it might have all been a dream. To have been diagnosed and done all in one calendar year is truly a blessing and I am so grateful.  This year has been a learning experience. Not just medical information but a lot of learning about myself...who I am, what I can do, and how amazing my support system is.  This journey would not have been as smooth without all of my friends and family.

While last week's appointment marks the end of my reconstruction (and surgeries), it is not the end of my breast cancer journey by any means.  My incisions have healed well and my scars will eventually fade some, but I'll always carry them with me.  And, that's okay, because they mean I fought a battle and came out on the other side.

This diagnosis and subsequent journey also allowed me to meet some great women...fellow fighters and survivors.  I am honored to get to share my story here and on social media and to chat with others every day.  

So, what's next you ask?
I don't have another oncology appointment until March.  Between now and then, it's just life in my new normal.  Massaging my scars in the hopes of getting them to fade well and I need to focus on getting the extra weight I gained this year off.

And, counting my many blessings!  Watching one of my all-time favorite Christmas movies, White Christmas, as I type this post and I love this line from one of the many songs:  "If you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings!"

My last time wearing the PRMA pink gown!

I plan to continue to post along the way and keep y'all updated on healing, tips and advice, etc. 

Tip Time:
With that in mind, many of you have asked about bras and know if you've read my previous posts on the topic that bra shopping post-reconstruction can be quite challenging. Well, I found this bra from Warner's that is just about perfect!  It has extra wide sides which provide great support but don't rub on my drain scars like most bras do.  I wear it to work all day (12+ active hours) and have no issues.  It is available in both wire-free and underwire.  And, it is affordable so you could use it between surgeries (before your final size) and not spend a fortune on bras you can't wear later.  Walmart carries them for just under $18 here in San Antonio.  I've included a photo of the tag so that you can shop online if needed:

Hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas!


12/22/16  Routine Screening Mammogram

01/18/17  Repeat Imaging and US of left breast; LUMP found.

01/20/17  Core Needle Biopsy

01/24/17  Biopsy results positive...Stage 0 DCIS, left breast

01/25/17  Meeting with Breast Center Navigator and Genetic Testing

01/30/17  Consultation with Surgical Oncologist, Dr. K

02/08/17  Consultation with Plastic Surgeon

02/21/17  Pre-op Visit with Dr. O's nurse

02/27/17 Pre-op Labs and Testing

03/05/17 Lymph Node Injection

03/06/17 SURGERY DAY!

03/10/17 Home!
03/16/17 10 day Post-op Visit with Plastic Surgery nurse
03/20/17  2 week Post-op Appointment with Surgical Oncologist, Dr. K

04/07/17  1 month Post-Op w/Plastic Surgeon, Dr. O

04/16/17 Returning to work!
05/19/17  Appointment with Dr. O to schedule Phase 2 Surgery!

07/13/17 Pre-op Visit with Dr. O's nurse; Pre-op Labs/EKG

07/25/17 Phase 2 Surgery!!

08/08/17  2 week Post-op Visit with Plastic Surgery Nurse
09/25/17 6 month Follow-Up with Surgical Oncologist Office
11/07/17 Micropigmentation (tattoo) Day!!
12/08/17 FINAL Plastic Surgery nurse visit!  Breast Reconstruction graduation day!!

Monday, November 13, 2017

A Little Color Goes a Long Way: Nipple and Areola Tattoos


So, it's done...I'm done! Phase 3...micropigmentation (aka tattooing) is complete and that basically ends my breast reconstruction journey! So amazing and surreal to think that I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January and here we are in November and reconstruction is complete.  So blessed to have had it all done within a calendar year too (no new insurance deductibles to meet!).

The folks at PRMA (my PS office) are fantastic about providing opportunities for patients to share their stories and for providing lots of videos and educational information on their websiteFacebook pageBlogYouTube channel and Instagram.  And, many women I've met or chatted with along the way have expressed concern over this last procedure...Will it look real? Will it hurt? Will it fade?  Is it worth it? Does it really make a difference?  To that end, I volunteered to have my micopigmentation procedure filmed at my PS office (see link below).

I'll share with you how it all went....

The day of my appointment (a week ago tomorrow!), I arrived early to film an interview portion of a video to talk about my breast cancer/reconstructive journey.  At my scheduled appointment time, my fantastic nurse Crystal called me back to the procedure room. She reviewed the consent paperwork with me and then had me change into a gown (just on top).  I sat in a chair while she carefully measured each of my new areolas for symmetry.  This is one of those times one is especially thankful for a perfectionist like Dr. O as your Plastic Surgeon!  My new areolas are practically the exact same size!!  This meant that Crystal could just basically "color between the lines" of my new nipples/areolas.

Next, we looked at you would when choosing a new foundation at the cosmetics counter. She applied the numbing cream (Lidocaine cream) to my left breast and then we tested colors on the right with cotton swabs.  Crystal said that just like all tattoos, I should expect these to fade so it was recommended to go with a bit darker shade that we'd normally choose.  We both agreed on the second color she tested so she applied the numbing cream to that breast and we got started on the left side!

Now, I should preface this by saying that I've never had a tattoo of any kind...anywhere!  Additionally, I am blessed to have sensation in both breasts following my surgery (where Dr. O was able to reconnect my sensory nerves).  So, I was a little nervous about how painful this would be. Several friends with tattoos warned me that this would hurt...quite a bit...and that the EMLA cream would not mean much. Well....I am happy to report that this was NOT the case.  Crystal was on top of the pain control and I hardly felt a thing throughout the whole procedure.

The tattoo needle moves very fast so I felt more of the vibration of the needle than anything else. Practically every time, Crystal wiped the site, she also sprayed a numbing spray on the area. After awhile, it felt like your cheeks and chin do with dental work...a little tingly numbness.  The areas directly over a scar were a bit more sensitive but even then, it was never painful.

After Crystal completed the left side, she covered the whole thing with a very thick coat of petroleum jelly and a clear bandage. She then got started on the right breast. Both breasts were completed in about 1.5 hours.  

Brittany was filming the procedure and the three of us laughed, told stories, joked around, and intermittently filmed Q&As the whole time!  I'm hoping that as others watch the videos, they will feel more at ease with their own planned procedures.

This is the link to the first clip (posted on Instagram) filmed as we are just getting started on the first tattoo:   

After, Crystal finished both breasts she checked them again for oozing and reinforced the dressings. There was a surprising amount of blood under those bandages when I removed them later so be ready with your supplies and clean dressings.  I was instructed to change the dressings every 3-4 hours a day (at least 5 times a day) for 1 week.  Emphasis was placed on keeping the newly tattooed areas moist with petroleum jelly at all times and NOT rubbing them. The color will come off with any scabs that form and are picked picking, just let them heal and fall naturally.  I also have to shower with my back to the shower head for this first week (just like after both previous surgeries).

I was told both by Crystal and my friends at work that itching is very common. Again, very important not to scratch but to just apply more jelly. No soap, sun exposure, or excessive sweaty for the first week.  Additionally, no swimming, hot tubs, or saunas for one month.  Following instructions seems to be working, so far my color is intact and I haven't felt any itching!

Here's another clip from that day:
And, the biggest questions...Do I like them and what do they look like, right?
I love them!  It is amazing what a little color can do.  Honestly, I could have lived with my new breasts like they were but they still felt unfinished. Now, they are done! It still surprises me a little when I look in the's been awhile since there has been color there and I'm taken back with how much like the real deal they look.  
From this....

To this...

Throughout this whole year, I've tried to stay positive and see the upside to all of this.  And, I have been extremely BLESSED. But, that being said, there is still the side of me that wants to look "normal" and feminine and maybe even sexy to someone someday.  When this all began, I was afraid that that idea was unrealistic. Now, it's like a little spark of hope that someone could see me and not pick me out of a line-up as the one with the "fake boobs" or just see the scars right away.  Who knew how much a little color would mean?  Many survivors face these thoughts. I know I'm not alone in this.  If you are contemplating this next step, I encourage you to do it!  I hope that you will be as pleased and amazed as I am.
Newly tattooed nipples and areolas on my
natural tissue reconstructed (DIEP Flap) breasts!

Have a terrific week!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October Update


Not much post-worthy happening around here but I wanted to touch-base with all of you and give you some photo updates.

It's October 10 and today is in the 60's...actually feels like Fall!!  Won't last but a few days, but we'll enjoy it today. :)

As far as surgical recovery goes, life is pretty okay.  I get a little frustrated sometimes with my decreased endurance and lack of upper body and abdominal strength.  I was working on a DIY project last week and could not have done it without my teenage son to do the heavy lifting.  I used to be able to do so much more in one day, but now I find myself tiring out and needing to take a break.  It's not all bad...I tend to push myself too hard to finish projects, but it is frustrating.   Everything takes time, I know, but having never had major surgery prior to this year, I never realized just how much its affects can linger.  I'm trying to learn to embrace the rest....easier said than done. 

Super excited to report that my final Phase 3 is scheduled!!  My micropigmentation procedure (aka tattoos) will be completed in my PS office by my nurse on Nov. 7th.  Yay!  This should be the last procedure on my breast reconstruction journey.  

As my new nipples/areolas have healed, I am even happier with them!  As promised, the nipples have gone down about 50% and are not as "noticeable" when I am not wearing a bra (not that I do that in public, but I could! ;) ).  To see them with color's like waiting for Christmas as a kid!  
New nipples built 2.5 months ago...all healed and scars fading.
Just waiting on tattoos for color!!
The breasts themselves are great! The fat grafting made all the difference in shaping for me and they are very symmetrical.  Most of the time, my foobs are soft and natural feeling. When I first wake up in the morning and sometimes after an active day, they will feel a little firm.  This goes away immediately with a quick massage.  Love that they are "perky" even without a bra....its been years since that was the case!! 

My incisions have all healed well and the scars are starting to fade.  I'm not very good about massaging them daily like I should, but I'm working on it.  Right now, I am alternating between Palmer's Cocoa Butter and Mederma Oil as recommended by my PS.  Just recently, I purchased the InviCible Scars cream (made by one of the MD's in my PS office).  I've heard great things about it, so we will see how it works and I'll let y'all know.  

The scars on my chest from the fat grafting in Phase 2 are not as red and noticeable....made me feel like I had the measles or chicken pox before!  :)
Fat grafting scars on chest at 2.5 months post-op
My original abdominal incision looks good...not fading as quickly as my breast incisions, but it is very smooth and flat.
DIEP Flap Abdominal Incision at 7.5 months post-op

My new flank incisions from Phase 2 surgery on 07/25 are a little different.  One is already quite flat and thin.  The other side is "indented" and "tighter"....can't figure out a better way to describe that.  Obviously, these scars are newer so it'll take them awhile to fade like the original.  
New right flank incision...smooth and flat already at 2.5 months post-op

I've gained weight since all of this began but I'm hoping that some of the indentation will smooth out with weight loss and scar massage.
New left flank incision...thin but a little "indented" at 2.5 months post-op

So, that's my update for today.  I've "met" quite a few ladies on this journey and have enjoyed chatting with several this month on Facebook. If you have questions or comments or just want to share your story, please comment below!  

Since October is officially Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please don't forget to do your self-exams and get your mammograms!!  I found this ad amusing:

Have a great week!