Friday, January 25, 2019


Two years ago yesterday, I received that life-altering phone call.….you know those calls, the one you are either excited to get or dreading....the one that means you got your dream job or the one that says you have a potentially terminal illness.  In that moment, that 30 seconds, your whole life changes.  

If you've read my post about that day, you know that I got my breast cancer diagnosis while I was at work and honestly, I'm glad it went down that way. I stayed too busy to ruminate on it as much and it gave me time to process without getting too emotional.  

For some of us, the diagnosiversary is a tough day. It can bring up a lot of negative emotions and fears and remind us that it isn't truly over.  I know some women who really struggle on these days.  For me, yesterday was more of a celebration in my mind!  I never once thought about shedding a tear or being sad (the fear of recurrence is always present but no more yesterday than any other day).  Yesterday's anniversary was just another reminder of how good our God is and how He orchestrates the perfect timing of even the scary stuff in our lives.  

Breast Cancer is awful...not going to lie.  But, the diagnosis is NOT the end.  The battle begins when you get that call.  It might be a tough one and you might fall behind along the way.  It can be fought though and even won.  Your life is NOT OVER with the diagnosis. You are just taking a new path.  And, you may find like I did, that the path is a little rough and patchy at times but there are also new joys and discoveries along the way that you never imagined!

I am ever reminded of the amazing people I have met and befriended on this breast cancer journey.  People I NEVER would have met if I hadn't been diagnosed.  It's also a reminder of what a difference early detection can make and how important it is to be screened on time.  I learned so many things about myself and God has stretched me into a ministry I never dreamed I'd be a part of.  

God has a plan.  Even when we cannot see or understand it, He has a plan!  Trust Him and don't let fear reign. Be open to what He might be doing even in what seems an impossible situation. 
As always, I am happy to answer questions or to chat any time, please leave a comment or message me on my Facebook page @bosomthing