A week ago today, I "graduated" from my breast reconstruction journey! It's still hard to believe that this year of surgeries and appointments and procedures and all of the stress, pain, discomfort, and sleepless nights from those is over. I still have my surveillance visits with my oncologist's office for a total of 5 years, but as far as reconstructive surgery...I'm done!
The appointment was quick and went well. Basically, Crystal just looked at how my tattoos had healed and asked me if I had any remaining issues that needed to be addressed. She said that everything looked great and since I'm happy with my results...that's it! We took my final photos and that was that. As soon as she sends me the copies, I'll post my "before and afters" for you.
Honestly, this year does not seem real sometimes. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and in that quiet moment, I think it might have all been a dream. To have been diagnosed and done all in one calendar year is truly a blessing and I am so grateful. This year has been a learning experience. Not just medical information but a lot of learning about myself...who I am, what I can do, and how amazing my support system is. This journey would not have been as smooth without all of my friends and family.
While last week's appointment marks the end of my reconstruction (and surgeries), it is not the end of my breast cancer journey by any means. My incisions have healed well and my scars will eventually fade some, but I'll always carry them with me. And, that's okay, because they mean I fought a battle and came out on the other side.
This diagnosis and subsequent journey also allowed me to meet some great women...fellow fighters and survivors. I am honored to get to share my story here and on social media and to chat with others every day.
So, what's next you ask?
I don't have another oncology appointment until March. Between now and then, it's just life in my new normal. Massaging my scars in the hopes of getting them to fade well and I need to focus on getting the extra weight I gained this year off.
And, counting my many blessings! Watching one of my all-time favorite Christmas movies, White Christmas, as I type this post and I love this line from one of the many songs: "If you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings!"
My last time wearing the PRMA pink gown! |
I plan to continue to post along the way and keep y'all updated on healing, tips and advice, etc.
Tip Time:
With that in mind, many of you have asked about bras and know if you've read my previous posts on the topic that bra shopping post-reconstruction can be quite challenging. Well, I found this bra from Warner's that is just about perfect! It has extra wide sides which provide great support but don't rub on my drain scars like most bras do. I wear it to work all day (12+ active hours) and have no issues. It is available in both wire-free and underwire. And, it is affordable so you could use it between surgeries (before your final size) and not spend a fortune on bras you can't wear later. Walmart carries them for just under $18 here in San Antonio. I've included a photo of the tag so that you can shop online if needed:
Hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas!
12/22/16 Routine Screening Mammogram
01/18/17 Repeat Imaging and US of left breast; LUMP found.
01/20/17 Core Needle Biopsy
01/24/17 Biopsy results positive...Stage 0 DCIS, left breast
01/25/17 Meeting with Breast Center Navigator and Genetic Testing
01/30/17 Consultation with Surgical Oncologist, Dr. K
02/08/17 Consultation with Plastic Surgeon
02/21/17 Pre-op Visit with Dr. O's nurse
02/27/17 Pre-op Labs and Testing
03/05/17 Lymph Node Injection
03/06/17 SURGERY DAY!
03/10/17 Home!
03/16/17 10 day Post-op Visit with Plastic Surgery nurse
03/20/17 2 week Post-op Appointment with Surgical Oncologist, Dr. K
04/07/17 1 month Post-Op w/Plastic Surgeon, Dr. O
04/16/17 Returning to work!
05/19/17 Appointment with Dr. O to schedule Phase 2 Surgery!
07/13/17 Pre-op Visit with Dr. O's nurse; Pre-op Labs/EKG
07/25/17 Phase 2 Surgery!!
08/08/17 2 week Post-op Visit with Plastic Surgery Nurse
09/25/17 6 month Follow-Up with Surgical Oncologist Office
11/07/17 Micropigmentation (tattoo) Day!!
12/08/17 FINAL Plastic Surgery nurse visit! Breast Reconstruction graduation day!!